Uncategorized, writing advice

Character Scenarios

Character Scenarios is a really great way to practice character development, defeat writer's block, or simply have fun with your characters. At their core, these are a series of prompts that put characters in a variety of situations, leaving you to figure out how they would react or why they got into it in the first place.

writing advice

Kill Your Darlings – Writing

When we hear the writing advice "kill your darlings," many writers think it means something more literal, like being brave enough to kill a main or beloved character through storytelling. In reality, it means something (mostly) completely different!

writing advice

Is Your Novel Actually Two Novels?

If your book is twice as long as the recommended word count length, you may have twice as many books in your hands! But how should you cut that? Just a clean line down the middle? Ew. No. Gross. XD Find out more here!