Beta Reading Service

– Currently closed while I work on current client work and my own things –

I’ve been beta reading and acting as a critique partner for 10+ years, and now my services are open to the online world!


My experience includes beta reading and more in-depth critiquing for YA fantasy novels, academic essays, a wide variety of short stories, 10 min plays (both screen and live), queries/pitches, and mystery novels. I’ve worked with poetry before, but it’s not my strong suit when it comes to editing/critiquing.

Throughout college, I worked as a writing consultant in the Writing Center, where we received creative writing projects as well as academic essays. I have a BA in English and minors in Creative Writing, Music, Anthropology, and Philosophy. I also worked in publishing for a short while with our college literary journal Flint Hills Review.

I currently work in a small library where I am judging every book for its worthiness of staying, and its ability to “sell” itself. 😛 I’ve no experience as an agent or being agented (yet), but I have studied this and worked with a successful and experienced person with a degree in marketing for several years now and can apply those lessons to book development.


My style is to be brutally honest where needed, but also fun and upbeat. I’ve been beta reading for as long as I’ve been writing and receiving feedback on my own prose, so I know what it’s like to be either end of the stick.

I believe in not holding anything back, because the harshest critique I’ve ever gotten was also the most transformative and made me and my books stronger and better afterwards. I believe in having fun (reacting in real time, talking back to the characters/narrator) because that too has helped me understand what readers might be feeling or understanding at certain parts. It is also important to remind a writer that their art *is* fun, even if it still needs work. I believe in mixing jokes in with constructiveness, and making clear which is meant as which.

I don’t hold back. I do have fun. It will all be in encouraging, constructive taste.

Genres / Potential Feedback Focuses

My skills are strongest in the realm of fantasy, but I’ve been hired for other genres as well. I do copy editing as well as general feedback—pacing, character, plot, worldbuilding, fight scenes, descriptions, etc. My own story is YA Fantasy/Adventure.

Sensitivity Reading: I also have ADHD, anxiety and depression, and am demiromantic, asexual, and cis-female. In college I took a gender studies course (focusing on Harry Potter), minored in Anthropology, and have been researching more and more about neurodiversity since graduating in 2017.

Sensitivity Readings cost $2 more than the general beta read. 😉

Hiring me!

I work with Google Docs. I will make comments and also use the “suggestions” or “track changes” function for direct edit suggestions.

My rate is $1 (one US dollar) per 1,000 words.

Anything less than 500 words is free, though reviews for my service are encouraged! Reviews can be left in comments here or posted in whatever media platform/thread we met on. 😉

I take payments through Paypal!

Thanks, and as always: Make sure you’ve eaten something, and plan to get some sleep tonight. You are valuable and worth the fight, fellow human. ❤


  • Dim Ak says "Fyri was very helpful. She gave me more feedback than I could expect in a short period of time. There was also a lof of importand comments that made me reconsider my work, which was very much needed. Thanks, Fyri! I would definitely ask her for a fantasy short/excerpt again.
  • Over the last year or two I have posted several questions about queries and synopses. Fyri's response and advice were absolutely the best, most useful anyone has provided. I highly recommend her!
  • She has a sharp, insightful understanding of a reader's experience and really invests herself in giving honest feedback. She really doesn't hold back, so if you're sensitive or defensive, you may be rattled. Fyri is an experienced writer who has devoted herself to understanding process and craft, so the degree of specificity in her feedback is extraordinary. She's a rock star.
  • Fyri really opens up your mind to things you may have missed as a writer. Her attention to detail is second-to-none, and her playful attitude makes the process A LOT less stressful. I'd definitely hire her as a critique partner/beta-reader because you'd be recieving a top-notch service! She's understanding, thoughtful, and super-easy to work with. Arguably one of the best on Goodreads!

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