Character Scenarios

Character Scenarios—Hike Day!

Welcome to another game of Character Scenarios! How it works here!

In this scenario, your chosen group is going on a nice little hike. This is such a great bonding activity. So relaxing! Nobody will die!

This scenario needs 10 characters and one coin to toss (for head/tails results)! Get ready, get set—

Hike Day

1) 2 nominates 6 to lead the hike because 6 is allegedly the best at directions. How does 6 react? 

2) 4 ends up leading the most of the time. Why and how does everyone feel about it? 

3) 10 has something they really want to say to 2, but they are nervous to say it. What does that look like, why/what might it be? 

4) 3 is really scared of bugs, but doesn’t want 8 to know. 7 tells 8 this. How does 8 react? 

5) 1 is getting really hungry. Why didn’t they bring a hiking snack or eat before they left?

6) 5 got distracted by some part of nature and the group didn’t notice they were leaving them behind. 5 is now lost in the forest. 

7) 6 dares 9 to climb a massive tree during one of their breaks. Will 9 try to climb the tree? 

8) 4 trips on something and falls into mud. I hope they weren’t wearing their nice clothes today! 

9) 5 is following something. A butterfly, tracks, the breeze, a small animal? I hope they can find their way back to the group…if they want to!

10) 1 asks 3 if they have food. Does 3 have food? Will they share? 

11) 7 convinces 10 to tell 2 their secret. 10 turns around and trips on the same thing 4 tripped on. 2 falls on top of them. Hm. This would be perfect if the secret was something romantic. Good luck, 10 and 2! 

12) 8 walks straight into a spider web. Icky icky icky! 

13) 6 finds a really nice walking stick! Cool!

14) 5 has a chance encounter with a bear. Fight, flight, fawn, or freeze? 

15) Despite all odds, the group finally makes it to their destination. (Toss a coin to see if 5 survived. Heads means they live another day.) Wasn’t that a nice hike? Same time next week?

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